- 1994 We founded FINIDR printing house.
- 1996 We purchased a bookbinding line, thus completing the manufacturing cycle.
- 1998 We transferred both the printing and the bookbinding to a single place in Český Těšín.
- 2000 We purchased our first top-quality sheet-fed printing machine: Heidelberg CD 102-4.
- 2001 We purchased Wohlenberg Master 7000 line for gluing of paperback books and hardback text blocks.
- 2002 Vimperk. We purchased Heidelberg SM 74-5 machine, ensuring high quality printing of paperback covers.
- 2003 We constructed a new production hall and increased our production capacities due to the purchase of a new Heidelberg SM 102-4P printing machine and additional bookbinding machines.
- 2004 We enhanced our printing capacity due to the purchase of a new Heidelberg SM 102-2P machine.
- 2005 We improved significantly the preparation of printing plates due to the purchase of CTP Heidelberg Suprasetter 105 plate setter.
- 2006 We made investments in the construction of a new production hall with surface of 4000 m2, where we installed our Heidelberg SM 102-8 machine and a new Kolbus BF 527 bookbindery line.
- 2007 We made new investments in machinery: Kolbus KM 411 gluing line, Kolbus DA 270 casemaker and Aster 180 sewing machine.
- 2008 Our printing house became part of FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification system of wood origin monitoring.
- 2009 We installed a new VariQuik rotation printing system for black and white printing. Our printing house starts to support the Every Czech Reads To Kids campaign and encourages the creation of a new apprenticeship field in a local secondary school in Český Těšín: Printing Industry.
- 2010 We doubled our capacity of printing plates production due to the purchase of another CTP Heidelberg Suprasetter 105 plate setter. We stabilized working conditions in the production hall due to the installation of an air humidification system.
- 2011 We purchased a new laminating machine Komfi Sagitta.
- 2012 We produced our 200 000 000th book. We launched our internal education centre: FINIDR Academy. We installed a new Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 106-8-P printing machine, Kolbus BF 530 finishing line, Kolbus DA 270 casemaker, Kolbus PE 312 stamping machine and Kallfass Universa 500 Servo packing machine.
- 2013 We purchased another Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 106-8-P printing machine.
- 2015 Our printing house received CrefoCert bonity certificate: we are a financially stable company with excellent payment ethics.
- 2016 We made investments in the construction of a new production hall, thus increasing the surface of our printing house up to 14 000 m2, and we purchased the most up-to-date Heidelberg KH 82P folding machine and Ecosystem Aqua Komet large-surface laminating machine. Our printing house started to purchase environmentally friendly energy from renewable sources and to offer CO2 neutral products with zero carbon footprint.
- 2017 We produced our 300 000 000th book. Our printing house received the silver award of Ecovadis international certification company (corporate social responsibility).
- 2018 We increased our capacity of printing plates production due to the purchase of a new CTP Suprasetter with a pallet stacker.
- 2019 Investment in the construction of a new hall and expansion of the production area by 1630 m2. We have purchased a new cutting center and again received a silver award from the international certification company Ecovadis.
- 2020 We were the first in Europe to purchase the latest Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 75-5 printing machine and the first in Central and Eastern Europe to install the Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 106-8-P. All the significant investments we have made this year are CO2 free, even in the case of the Heidelberg Suprasetter 106 CTP machine, the Heidelberg Stall KH 82P folding machine, the Meccanotecnica Uniplex sewing machine and the Wohlenberg gatherer. We managed to keep our silver award from Ecovadis.
- 2021 We committed ourselves to plant one tree for every order. We built a new 2,500 m2 hall. We also acquired new technologies – a gathering line with 20 stations and a robotic unloading machine for the Heidelberg folding machine. We bought the building and premises of the former Těšínská tiskárna (printing works) including several machines – a VariQuick rotary printing machine, an MBO K8 folding machine, an end papers gluing machine, and two Hugo Beck packing lines. Also a Zirkon Supra printing machine was bought.
- 2022 We continue to meet the commitment to plant one new tree for every order. A new Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 106-4-P printing machine has been bought.