27. 8. 2015

We are very delighted to announce that we have produced our 250.000.000th book! We have been here for you already 21 years and 6 months and a quarter of a billionth book has left the door of our printing house. The celebration of this important milestone started already in the morning with a little surprise in a form of sweet breakfast and lunch in our company´s canteen was very festive as well.
At 1 p.m. the production stopped and all the staff gathered around casing- in and building- in line Kolbus. The most important moment was a baptism of 250.000.000th book from publishing house Print Consult, by the owner of the company Mr. Jaroslav Drahoš.

We are very happy that the public is interested in books produced by FINIDR and we are looking forward to produce more lovely titles.