Press release 21. 8. 2015


On March 4, FINIDR printing house received two significant awards from the Austria’s federal minister of arts and culture, Josef Ostermayer: prize for the most beautiful book in Austria in 2014 and State Prize. Both of them were won by the book “Museum der Träume” (Museum of Dreams) published by Christian Brandstätter publishing house. The prestigious event took place in the Congress Hall of the Austrian government in Vienna.

“Each award is important to us. Also the beautiful book “Listy Oľge” (Letters to Olga) was an international success and it was selected among the most beautiful books in the 5th edition of International Creative Media Award. We printed and bound this book for Slovart publishing house. Other books which we produced for Slovart in the past won as many as 8 awards for the most beautiful books in Slovakia”, says Jaroslav Drahoš, director of FINIDR printing house which has printed and bound books in Český Těšín for 21 years already. It is one of the biggest companies of this kind in Europe: 380 employees produce more than 20 million copies of books per year. More than 80 per cent of them are exported to Germany, France, Austria, the United Kingdom and other countries in Western Europe. In 2014, the total turnover of the

printing house amounted to 725 million CZK, which is the best economic result in its history. Each year, new investments exceed 85 million CZK.

It is normal to help

In accordance with its internal Strategy of Social Responsibility, FINIDR provides help where it is needed. Printing Industry subject field at Albrechtova secondary school in Český Těšín was indeed established, among others, due to support given by FINIDR. Key employees of the printing house give classes at this school, while students gain their first technical work experience at FINIDR. The printing house has been actively involved – both as participant and as main sponsor of material gifts – in the unique “Every Czech Reads To Kids®” project. The motto of this organization is “Let’s read to kids for 20 minutes a day. Every day!” and FINIDR fully agrees with it. FINIDR house gives systematic support also to other regional activities focused on children and students and donates paper to kindergartens, schools and non-profit organizations. Sponsorship is provided also to a wide range of projects developped in cooperation with other organizations, such as Člověk v tísni, ADRA, ERGON, etc.

Modern and open company

FINIDR printing house is a modern and open company. Last autumn more than 650 persons visited the production hall which was opened to inhabitants of the town during Doors Open Day. As dozens of excursions are organized each year, especially pupils and students can learn about all phases of printing and book binding. Due to systematic development, investments in the most updated machines and trainings for staff, FINIDR currently ranks among top companies in printing industry. This is obvious also thanks to numerous prizes awarded to FINIDR books across the whole of Europe.