For the first time this year we took part in all three book fairs – in Leipzig, Bologna and London as well.
Firstly, in the middle of March we visited Leipziger Buchmesse, the second biggest fair in Germany. It still holds the both very high standard and a big attendance. Visitors could have found there about 20 000 book titles and 2070 exhibitors from 44 countries.
The second one, Bologna Book Fair was held in days 19th – 22nd March. This Italian fair belongs among the most important international events focused on children book publishing what confirms a high figure of people who visited it. Visitors could have met there almost 1 200 exhibitors from 66 countries. However we took part in the fair for the first time, we were surprised with a big interest in our printing house.
The last one was the London Book Fair held in days 16th – 18th March with its major Chinesse stand occupied the space 2000 m2 which surpassed all expectations.
We believe our participation in all three fairs, where we had a lot of meetings with current and potencial customers, will bring our company a lot of new clients.