For the last five years, we have been producing the most beautiful Slovak books and we are proud of it.
As many as four books that our company printed and finished for the Slovart publishing house were awarded among the most beautiful Slovak books published in 2013. They were awarded within the following categories: 1) Scientific and technical literature: Labrang – svet tibetského kláštera (Labrang – World of a Tibetan Monastery) by Martin Slobodník; 2) Fiction: Listy Oľge (Letters to Olga) by Július Satinský; 3) Literature for children and youth: Mimi a Líza (Mimi and Líza) by Alexander Salmela; BIBIANA award for the most beautiful children book: awarded to Vydavateľstvo Slovart, spol. s.r.o., Bratislava for the book: Môj dedko Rýchly šíp (My Grandpa Fast Arrow) by Marta Hlušíková.
We would like to thank Slovart publishing house for the trust they have been showing us. Our congratulations also go to the authors of all books awarded. Least but not last, all our employees who participated in the production of these beautiful books deserve our thanks and esteem. The fact that such awards have become a tradition for FINIDR fills us with pride and satisfaction.