The book by Petr Sís, entitled „The Wall – How I grew up behind the Iron Curtain” has been awarded for the second time, this time it gained Zlatá stuha 2007 (Golden ribbon award 2007). This time the book has been recognised in the category of non-fiction and children’s literature. The award Zlatá stuha is announced by the Czech Section of the International Board on Books for Young People, which supports „the cultural and social prestige for the awarded work” and publishing quality original and translated works in the domain.
Apart from the award the book „ The Wall – How I grew up behind the Iron Curtain ” obtained the readers’ choice award in the Magnesia Litera 2008 Competition, where it was recognised as the best Czech book of the year.
The book was published this year by the publishing house Labyrint in the series Raketa and was printed by Finidr.