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  5. Carpal tunnels – massage and exercise will help

Carpal tunnels – massage and exercise will help

Text: Lucie Stafinská 

We have already mentioned carpal tunnel syndrome in previous issues of Finidrak.

This health problem troubles many of us. When the hands and wrists are overworked for a long time, e.g. by working at a computer or at a treadmill, symptoms such as tingling in the fingers, weakness in the hands, pain shooting up to the elbow, shoulder or even the cervical spine occur.

The stretching exercises offered by our physio can be a useful prevention and help with these problems.

For this reason, in the first half of this year a pilot project “prevention – carpals” was launched for production employees.

This exercise took place directly at the workplace at risk – specifically LIN2. Our physiotherapist came directly to the line during break times and tried to show the employees exercises to prevent these health problems.

However, this method was not very suitable after trying it out. Therefore, based on the lessons learnt, we provided a more effective option for those interested in the line. We opted for a personalised approach, namely hand massages for individuals in the reception room.

These sessions take place between 8:45am and 9:00am. They have now been expanded to all library locations. You can make an appointment at the front desk or the secretarial desk, there is no limit to the number of visits and you can come repeatedly.

Take advantage of this opportunity to visit the physio for a hand massage, for a personal consultation and for prevention.

When: Monday to Thursday 8:45-9:00 (for Bookbindery staff)

Where: reception in FINIDR A

Starting in the new year, carpal massages for PRESS staff are also scheduled from 9:00-9:15am.

More details to follow in due course.