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  5. Student excursion to Mondi paper mills

Student excursion to Mondi paper mills

Text: Ondřej Prokop

In the first week of October, a group of selected students of the ASŠ Polygraphy and Printing took part in a one-day excursion to a modern paper production plant in Slovakia. This excursion was a reward for the students for their excellent performance in this year’s DUPLEX competition.

This year’s competition was influenced in a positive sense by two important events. Firstly, our printing house FINIDR celebrated 30 years since its foundation, and at the same time it was also 195 years since the birth of Karl (II) Albin Prochaska. He was the person under whose leadership the Prochaska factory achieved its greatest growth and became known not only within the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, but throughout Europe.

Also in view of these events, our printing house in cooperation with Mondi SCP decided to provide the medalists of the competition with a trip and excursion to the town of Ružomberok, specifically to the local paper production area of Mondi SCP. The participants were able to see what a modern paper production plant looks like today. Under the tutelage of an experienced guide, the pupils walked through the various halls, where they saw two lines, one for the production of office paper and the other for the production of offset paper. This was followed by the processing process from cutting to final packaging and dispatch. This included a tour of the laboratory where production samples are checked, and the pupils were no doubt impressed by the proofing press, which simulates offset printing.